
Alex, yoga teacher

Alex, c’est le mari de Tatiana (son interview est ) et c’est comme ça que je l’ai rencontré (virtuellement car je crois que nous ne nous sommes pas encore rencontrés en vrai), il est prof de yoga depuis quelques années et son parcours est un peu dingue. Etant donné que nous échangeons surtout en anglais, c’est dans cette langue que s’est faite cette interview. Bonne lecture !

In a few words, who are you?
I’m a 27 year old yogi from New York living in Paris other than that I’m just another human being looking to inspired and be inspired hoping to leave a positive mark in the world wether small medium or big.

When, how and why did you step on the first time on a yoga mat?
The first time I went to a yoga class I was brought in by my girlfriend to a New York City studio called Yoga Vida, it was hard specially in the flexibility front, and like many men who try yoga for the first time I felt a little out of place seeing 95 percent of the class were female practitioners but the moment that stood out the most in my first experience was the peace and calm I found during savasana it felt great!

What motivated you to go on with a yoga practice?
After my first class yoga was very on and off mostly off to be honest but when I moved to Paris I began to take yoga regularly during the winter time and began to really love it. The motivation at first I can say was the physical aspect of the asana practice.

You are a full time yoga teacher, when and how did you choose your first yoga teacher training?
My first training came about after a bad experience in my last job I wanted to become a pro cook but the experience wasn’t a great one and I decided to put that to the side and focus only on a yoga career, that brought me to my first training with Jivamukti Yoga. By that time I was already fully in love with yoga and it just so happen to be that jivamukti were doing a training in India and I decided to jump right into the experience, it changed my life.

What kind of yoga do you teach and why?
Since my first training my teaching has also changed due to the fact that I’ve done other trainings which opened my mind to a modern outlook, but in it essence it’s always been vinyasa flow yoga it’s what made me love yoga in the first place and I adopted it into a new healthier lifestyle that I hope others can discover just like I did. I believe all yoga teachers should teach what they practice.

Do you plan to lead your own teacher training program?
In the last couple of years I’ve picked up so many different takes and views to the yoga practice that I decided to put what I love most and make it my own, I hope to share that soon via a teacher training which is in the works, so yes I hope to lead my own training someday in the foreseeable future.

If you had only one advice for someone who is affraid to try yoga?
Let’s see that’s a hard one but I think my best advice would be that there are  many types of yoga practices and we have to explore all our options before focusing on one, so if your first experience wasn’t what you expected don’t give up. Yoga can be found in many other ways and not just by doing down dog or updog.

And for someone who wants to become a yoga teacher?
For all future teachers and current teachers the best advice I can give is build community, find your own unique voice and keep on representing  yourself to the fullest.

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